The following page has been generated from the current census data:
From running 319 753 162 638 447 asymmetric 16-by-16 soups in B3/S23, a total of 6 984 959 246 486 565 objects of 542 616 distinct types were found.
Distinct still-life counts
Here is the distribution of still-life counts, both in total and in the census. A green bar indicates that all still-lifes of that population have occurred naturally.
The upper line is from the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (sequence A019473). The bar chart was generated dynamically by Catagolue when you visited this page; the same applies to the other charts and tables.Naturally-occurring high-period oscillators
For the sake of brevity, the 9776 period-2, 1936 period-3 and 108 period-4 oscillators are tabulated elsewhere. All oscillators of period 5 or higher are given below:
Naturally-occurring non-stationary patterns
Most natural objects are still-lifes or oscillators. The following table includes any spaceships or infinite-growth patterns that have appeared in the census.
Large objects
Very few natural objects have more than 50 live cells in any phase. They are all tabulated below.
Common objects
The 100 most common objects are tabulated below: