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This pattern is a linear-growth-pattern.
This pattern runs in standard life (b3s23).

Sample occurrences

There are 216 sample soups in the Catagolue:

Official symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

C1 4     

C4_1 1  

G1 1  

G2_1 1  

Unofficial symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

dani_stdin 10              

s11_stdin 100                                                                                                                                            

sep_stdin 98                                                                                                                                         

xp2_switchenginetest 1  

Comments (1)

Displaying comments 1 to 1.

On 2017-12-19 at 19:40:03 UTC, Marek.Zietecki wrote:

Hey, a completely new guy here.

I still don't get it, but why is a linear growth pattern iportant or not?

Sorry to bother.

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