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x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a still-life.
This pattern is periodic with period 1.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b2in34certwy5acein6-i78s012345678).
The population is constantly 37.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from bs23-a through to b2in34certwy5acein6-i78s012345678.

Pattern RLE

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Sample occurrences

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Comments (5)

Displaying comments 1 to 5.

On 2016-08-18 at 21:42:01 UTC, Someone wrote:

Mango bend tail weld sharp-anvil on sharp-bookend.

On 2016-02-29 at 15:36:28 UTC, apgoucher@gmx.com wrote:

A 39-cell still-life did appear (followed by another copy thereof shortly afterwards). At the time of writing, there are indeed no gaps in the distribution.

On 2015-12-27 at 23:41:06 UTC, Someone wrote:

If a 39-cell SL appears before a 44-cell (or larger) SL - unlikely but possible - there will be no gaps in the distribution. (Right now, 39 is the only gap.) I think it's been mentioned in the thread at some point that we expect that to happen, well, never. Chances are it still won't, but if so then this is about the closest it's going to get; that 41-cell piece from early November was really lucky.

On 2015-12-26 at 06:59:15 UTC, EricABQ wrote:

This is a Christmas gift for me, a still life with my favorite number of cells.

On 2015-12-25 at 17:31:25 UTC, Someone wrote:


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