Turtle (xq3_3u0228mc53bgzof0882d6koq1)
Pattern RLE
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On 2021-04-06 at 10:05:01 UTC, Ignacy.Jackl wrote:
Synthesis components:
R-bee at pond synthesis - 4G
Pond -> second R-bee at pond - 7G
Boat synthesis - 2G
Blinker synthesis - 2G
R-bee at pond + Boat + Blinker -> Bookend at teardrop on bookend - 3G
(second) R-bee at teardrop on bookend -> bookend at double-teardrop (table siamese pond, whatever you call it) on block - 7G
Block -> Boat - 3G
Bookend -> Eater tail with tail (another weird hard to call thing) - 6G
one-sided Boat -> Table - 3G
Table -> Block (essentialy moving the block in 3 steps) - 5G
Bookend -> Eater tail with tail - 6G
Tail -> Block on longer, flipped tail thing - 6G
Pond synthesis - 2G x2
Tail + 2x Pond -> Block on longer, flipped tail thing - 7G, catalysed by tail thing on the other side (the same thing as 2 steps ago, but much more expensive due to size constrains)
Block -> Boat - 3G x2
Boat -> Table - 2G
Boat on the other side -> Cap - 2G
Skewed cap on long tail thing -> (Snake on long tail thing) siamese carrier - 7G
edgy one-sided Snake synthesis - 6G (!)
Blinker synthesis - 2G
Snake + Blinker -> Snake bridge carrier - 4G
Table + Snake bridge carrier -> Table tie boat - 4G
on carrier side: Long boat on domino placement - 4G
on table side: Boat -> Long boat - 2G
on carrier side: Long boat -> Pond - 1G
Pond + tie Long boat -> tie Pond - 2G
Table tie pond -> Block on snake with tail thing - 5G
Block -> Boat - 3G
Trans-boat on snake with tail thing -> Cover (tail with tail) - 6G
Tail -> Nine - 3G
Tail with nine on long tail thing -> (Long snake on long tail thing) siamese carrier - 6G We're almost symmetric.
Domino placement (connecting carriers) - 4G
Snake -> Long snake (finally symmetric) - 4G
Boat-bit - 1G x2
Boat -> Table - 3G x2
Pond synthesis - 2G x2
Eater on table + 2x Pond -> xs18_64km9a4z6221 - 6G
Next 6 steps are to move the block to the other side of the Double Teardrop:
Block -> Boat - 3G
Boat -> Table - 3G
Table -> Dock - 3G
Dock -> Dock with tub - 3G
Tub -> Boat - 2G
Dock with boat -> Block - 5G
Pond synthesis - 2G x2
Eater on table + 2x Pond -> xs18_64km9a4z6221 - 6G
Block -> Boat - 3G
Boat -> Table - 3G
Table -> Dock - 3G
Long snake -> Long canoe - 5G x2
Place block on domino - 3G x2
one-sided Boat synthesis - 3G
Blinker synthesis - 2G x2
Final Step: xs102_330358g0s4go44og4s0g853033zx8ow1p87o44o78p1wo8zw4ajc3210ol55lo0123cja4 + Boat + 2x Blinker -> Turtle - 25G
On 2017-10-02 at 02:33:23 UTC, Someone wrote:
One tagalong is endlessly xtendable and is beautiful. I call it the Wave Machine. I am Paulrw63@live.com.
Please, don't ask me to sign in. I kept trying but the passwords are rejected. I no longer try.
On 2016-12-06 at 17:43:29 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
The tagalongs are far bigger than the turtle itself. Mass has no meaning in the Lifeverse,
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