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Edge-repair spaceship 1 (xq3_061ugzw1cdcz33roz01)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a spaceship.
This pattern is periodic with period 3.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b3-eys2-n3-cky).
The population fluctuates between 26 and 28.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3-eys2-n3-cky through to b2n34cew5ijkq6-k78s0234aceirw5-i678.

Pattern RLE

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Comments (1)

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On 2017-10-02 at 02:30:28 UTC, Someone wrote:

I am Paulrw63@live.com

This spaceship does not appear to occur naturally, not discovered until 1989 at earliest. The middle part can be used as a coupling to other P3 spaceships. The endless array looks like tangled coat hangers.

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