Twirling T-tetsons 2 (xp60_y37exe7z0gyecg2cz30k3w8sy1s8y1c2gcz3403zy6e7x7e)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (3)
Displaying comments 1 to 3.
On 2018-12-30 at 17:22:26 UTC, Someone wrote:
Found two file extensions in the apgcode: exe and 7z.
On 2017-12-15 at 00:51:13 UTC, wrote:
The whole she-bang to me invokes this nonsense song, which begins :
"Twirl twirl twiningly twirl , the tweezers are twist in the twinkling twain" (by Walt Kelly)
On 2017-01-07 at 00:10:52 UTC, wrote:
The pre-pulsar is hassled by the "killer toads" every 15 gen. and never matures, but turns around & around at the above early stage. The toads destroy half the pre-pulsar and rejuvenate it.
It has been named TWIRLING T-TETSONS 2.
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