p54 shuttle (xp54_32acy5ca23zy1ooxoozx4ossxsso4zzzc453y5354c)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (2)
Displaying comments 1 to 2.
On 2016-12-28 at 10:45:48 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
Herschel research has proven the existence of oscillators of ALL periods 54 and higher. It's 4 periods, unknown in Life, that stand in the way of LIFE being omniperiodic. ( 19, 23, 38 & 41 )
On 2016-08-29 at 00:52:29 UTC, Someone wrote:
I have been correcting old graph albums of patterns. It has been 46 years since I started this hobby and it's time I stopped and rested on my laurels.
Funny how I found errors in my P100 Centennial charts. Over six years they hid from me ! I was fleshing out my P54 twin B shuttle and found them.
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