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p49 glider shuttle (xp49_yhg88c88q596zyh1i9dgn0qbzyg3egf8ck3si3y2ca23y6ggo8y0ggzyjd55d2ody0256wccwgg0iu0uheq22p6khm0v4zym321ya1226414622d92606415a96zyp361y5634xok8zy62egox66ynccx31e8zyb253x4ocy5gcozciakg4c0c8im88c4g4c88gyag8ozw4v0dh5cj88behf0f9011w66wck8y0m38mkkmzy011y02311y6o8a6y2o97o562u1eozyvqb0t1mi9gzyucikb226221)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is an oscillator.
This pattern is periodic with period 49.
This pattern runs in standard life (b3s23).
The population fluctuates between 400 and 436.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3s23 through to b34e5a6c7cs234cz5ek6ae78.

Pattern RLE

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Comments (1)

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On 2016-12-19 at 02:00:49 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:

The 4 Pipsquirters are huge and awkward compared to the gliders they induct and reflect. If only one glider was there. It would be a lumbering cumbersome oscillator of 196 gen.

Two Pentadecthalons can bounce back & forth a glider at 60 gen. This is the simplest of an endless family of such shuttle oscillators of period 60 + 120.N gen.

I also know of a huge P598 oscillator of 4 P46 shuttle oscillators + 2 gliders. The latter are upgraded to LW spaceships quickly in collision with awkward junk in the shuttles. These collide and turn back into gliders to repeat the whole shebang all over again. Getting the spacing & timing just right and enough graph paper of 10 units/inch deters me from graphing this THING. It suffised to depict the collisions that drive this engine.

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