Negentropy (xp2_gg0gba9jz1107ac87066zx3213)
Pattern RLE
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Comments (2)
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On 2021-04-07 at 08:35:02 UTC, Ignacy.Jackl wrote:
Synthesis components:
Barge synthesis - 3G
Pond synthesis - 2G
Pond -> Tub - 1G
Tub + Barge -> Snake on dock with two tubs - 4G
Tub -> Barge - 3G
Tub + Barge -> Snake on dock with two tubs - 4G
Tub -> Shifted bookend on T - 7G x2
Traffic light synthesis - 2G x2
Rotor ignition - 2G
Snake -> Block - 1G x2
Bookend -> House - 3G x2
House -> 2x Bookend - 3G + 1LWSS = 6G x2
+1 - 3G x2
Two bookends +1 -> Snake siamese bookend - 3G x2
edgy Beehive synthesis - 3G x2
Block + Beehive -> Loaf - 2G x2
Loaf + Snake siamese bookend -> Block + Snake - 6G x2
On 2018-02-28 at 10:49:18 UTC, Someone wrote:
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