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Circle of fire (xp2_g48e0v0e84gz295t1u1t592zy11)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is an oscillator.
This pattern is periodic with period 2.
This pattern runs in a non-standard rule (b2-ck34-ek5-knr6-i78s02345678).
The population is constantly 42.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3ekns2ei3nry through to b2-ck34-ek5-knr6-i78s02345678.

Pattern RLE

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Comments (3)

Displaying comments 1 to 3.

On 2024-12-05 at 15:32:45 UTC, top10sillyofalltime wrote:

very high glider cost for such a small oscillator

On 2021-10-17 at 07:17:08 UTC, Ignacy.Jackl wrote:


those linebreaks

On 2021-10-17 at 07:16:38 UTC, Ignacy.Jackl wrote:


Tub + Block + Loaf + Blinker synthesis - 2G Block + Loaf + Blinker deletion - 1G Tub -> xs40_628c2s0c9jz0i5d1ehd5goz011 + 4x Long boat - 16G + 4LWSS = 28G Long boat deletion - 1G x4 /----------------- |Boat-bit - 1G |Boat -> Block - 1G |Block on boat-bit -> siamese Canoe - 3G |Elongate by 2 + flip - 4G |Block synthesis - 2G |Block -> Carrier + Block - 4G |Block deletion - 1G |Carrier siamese terribly long snake + line-dot-carrier + Carrier -> Snake + weld Loop - 11G ----------------- x2 Snake + weld Loop - 2 Shillelaghs ending a line - 8G x2 /----------------- |Line-dot-shillelagh tail -> Shillelagh tail on very long leg - 3G |Blinker synthesis - 2G |Blinker -> Ship - 1G |Shillelagh tail on very long leg + Ship -> Line weld long bee weld shillelagh - 2G ----------------- x2 /----------------- |Very long snake synthesis - 5G |Shorten by 1 - 3G |Block synthesis - 2G |Beehive synthesis - 2G |Beehive + Block + Boat on python -> Worm placed on Shillelagh - 8G ----------------- x2 /----------------- |Eater synthesis - 4G |Worm on shillelagh + Eater -> Cape at shillelagh + Boat + Blinker - 12G |Blinker deletion - 1G |Boat deletion - 1G ----------------- x2 /----------------- |Eater synthesis - 4G |Block on domino placement - 3G |Eater synthesis - 2G |Eater head -> siamese Snake |Shillelagh with cape-on-block on long bee + Eater + Eater head siamese snake -> | Shillelagh weld long super-bee + Block + Traffic light - 9G |Block + Traffic light deletion - 1G ----------------- x2 xs64_wggmp3s3pmggz25aaaq2t2qaaa52zy03461643 -> Circle of fire - 10G

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